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Monday, November 06, 2006 

Bathroom getting closer

Originally uploaded by tgandee.
Continuing Project Bathroom: Cut more drywall out, to expose studs. Next step is to put tile(cement) board up, along with moisture resistant drywall.

We also removed the gas line in the bathroom, pulled the exhaust pipe out to move the exhaust fan, and remove a electrical outlet box from the new shower area.

Laundry Project: I've installed the dryer exhaust duct work and hooked up the washer and dryer. The washer needs new hose lines, but I've written that project off as done.

About me

  • I'm todd
  • From Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • I work in a cube, dreaming of the outside world all day. There are no windows near me, only virtual images displayed in front of me. I try to be creative from time to time, but it's hard to minic the world when you don't remember what it looks like. This is why I travel and take in new sights and sounds and people, when it's posible. Stimulation is better than simulation. I also ramble aimlessly on about absolutely nothing.
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