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Monday, May 15, 2006 

hash legs

This is result of my second hash. For those that don't know what hashing is, I'll try to explain it. Essentially, it's a running club. The group meets at different locations each week, depending on who sets the trail. The "hares" set a trail from the parking lot, leaving markers (flour or tp) and the rest of the group has to find the trail to the finish. It's not a race, just an adventure into the unseen parts of town. My legs, shown left, got cut up in some woods. Luckily, there was a creek portion of the trail, so I got to wash off the blood half - way through. In the end, there is beer, food, and dirty/bloody/tired friends to hang out with and share stories from the trail. I'm sure my legs will see some more of this nasty-ness.

About me

  • I'm todd
  • From Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • I work in a cube, dreaming of the outside world all day. There are no windows near me, only virtual images displayed in front of me. I try to be creative from time to time, but it's hard to minic the world when you don't remember what it looks like. This is why I travel and take in new sights and sounds and people, when it's posible. Stimulation is better than simulation. I also ramble aimlessly on about absolutely nothing.
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