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Tuesday, March 08, 2005 


So I just joined Dodgeball.com. I was reading Vinnie's blog about social networking and physical spaces just last night and I stumbled upon this site about exactly that. Amazing how the consciousness and mental energy work to lead you to the things you're thinking about. Anyway, if any of my friends are geeky enough to try this and don't mind the privacy invasion, it will be cool to see if we're ever in the same spaces. Atlanta is small enough that we'll probably know if our friends are around though. I guess this technology is letting us be sucked in the computer chip even more. It will be nice to meet new people with similar interests though. If this were hooked into Friendster, that would be the bomb. You could let those 2nd or 3rd Degree Friends see your profile before you talked to them at the bar or restaurant. I 'll have another post about this social networking in physical spaces when I read and think more about it.

Right on! You rock! And welcome, dear friend, to Dodgeball.com!

Atlanta is unruly - that's why we've put our best code monkeys to work building tools to help you navigate this fine city in the context of your friends.

In case you were wondering...

Q: What is it?
A: dodgeball.com is a new social networking site built specifically for mobile phones.

Q: What does it do?
A: The idea is simple: tell us where you are and we'll tell you who and what is around you.
We'll ping your friends with your whereabouts, let you know when friends-of-friends are within 10 blocks,
allow you to broadcast content to anyone within 10 blocks of you or blast messages to your groups of

Q: Give me an example.
A: Okay, so you're having drinks at Luna Lounge. Send us a text message telling us where you
are and we'll send out a text message telling all your friends where you are AND send you back a
message letting you know if any friends-of-friends are within 10 blocks. If you have a camera phone,
we'll even send you their picture.

Q: How do I use it?
A: Whenever you're out, use your mobile phone to send a text message to "atlanta@dodgeball.com" with a
"@" and then the name of the bar or restaurant you're at. e.g. @Luna Lounge, @Bowery Bar. When
we get your text message, we'll check to see if there's anyone you know nearby.

Q: So, how do you know who my friends are?
A: You need to tell us who your friends are, just like you did with those other social networking sites.

Too funny about linking to my blog and signing up with Dodgeball.com. I just signed up with the service myself yesterday, damn this internet makes a small world.

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About me

  • I'm todd
  • From Atlanta, Georgia, United States
  • I work in a cube, dreaming of the outside world all day. There are no windows near me, only virtual images displayed in front of me. I try to be creative from time to time, but it's hard to minic the world when you don't remember what it looks like. This is why I travel and take in new sights and sounds and people, when it's posible. Stimulation is better than simulation. I also ramble aimlessly on about absolutely nothing.
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